Social Marketing Communication Mid Test

1. Jelaskan dengan contoh mengenai tahapan – tahapan dalam siklus perencanaan marketing! (The Planning Cycle)

Model dasar perencanaan dalam manajemen adalah APIC (Analyze, Planning, Implementation, Control). Alurnya berjalan siklis seperti diagram berikut.


  • Siklus dimulai dari tahap Analisis dan Audit. Pada tahap ini, marketer perlu mengumpulkan informasi dan data mengenai lingkungan internal maupun eksternal perusahaan. Segala data yang telah terkumpul akan digunakan sebagai pedoman pembuatan detail rencana pemasaran, mulai dari objektif hingga strategi yang akan digunakan. Contoh kegiatannya adalah : analisa situasi SWOT (Kekuatan, Kelemahan, Kesempatan, Ancaman), analisa situasi STEEPLE (untuk detail lingkungan eksternal perusahaan : Social, Technology, Economy, Education, Politics, Legal, Environment), audit ketersediaan sumber daya, serta menganalisa profil target pasar atau keadaan pasar seperti trend yang sedang hangat dibicarakan atau opinion leader yang sedang naik daun.
  • Langkah berikutnya adalah Planning, dimana objektif ditetapkan dan strategi untuk mencapai objektif tersebut disusun beserta perincian dana dan sumber daya manusia yang dibutuhkan. Segala hal yang akan dilakukan, mulai dari standar pelaksanaan sampai cara mengevaluasi, akan ditetapkan dalam tahap ini. Penyusunan rencana (Planning) dilaksanakan berdasarkan informasi yang telah didapat dari tahap sebelumnya agar objektif dapat disusun secara realistis dan membawa kemajuan pada perusahaan. Tujuan planning adalah sebagai pedoman pelaksanaan strategi. Contoh kegiatan : menentukan objektif (tujuan), menentukan Marketing Tools yang akan digunakan, menentukan taktik yang akan digunakan, perincian dana serta timetables, dan menentukan standar evaluasi serta cara untuk memantau hasil kinerja setelah implementasi.
  • Setelah perencanaan, tahap berikutnya adalah Implementation. Disinilah rencana yang telah dibuat mulai dieksekusikan serta direkam perkembangannya.
  • Saat pelaksanaan berlangsung manajer pemasaran akan memantau dan mengkontrol pengeksekusian rencana. Tujuannya agar segala hal yang terjadi di luar rencana dapat teratasi dengan baik. Selain itu kontrol juga dilakukan untuk memantau umpan balik dari target. Setelah rencana selesai dieksekusikan, maka evaluasi mulai dilakukan. Tujuan evaluasi adalah untuk mengukur tercapai atau tidaknya objektif yang telah ditetapkan serta mengukur sesuai atau tidaknya pelaksanaan dengan rencana. Evaluasi juga membantu marketer untuk melihat penyimpangan yang terjadi sehingga dapat diperbaiki dan digunakan sebagai informasi dalam melaksanakan perencanaan selanjutnya. Contoh kegiatan : memantau rating iklan, memantau tanggapan target, memantau reaksi publik.

Sumber 1 / Sumber 2

3. Sebutkan minimal 3 alasan mengapa analisis internal dalam proses perencanaan marketing itu penting!

  • Analisis internal memampukan perusahaan untuk melihat dimana posisi perusahaan mereka pada saat itu. Sehingga dalam proses perencanaan, mereka dapat menentukan tujuan yang dapat membantu perusahaan itu bergerak maju ke arah yang mereka inginkan.
  • Dengan melaksanakan analisis internal, data mengenai keunggulan perusahaan dapat teridentifikasi sehingga dapat digunakan dalam perencanaan. Keunggulan perusahaan juga dapat menjadi alat untuk menonjolkan perusahaan tersebut dari pesaing.
  • Analisis internal membantu marketer untuk melihat kemampuan perusahaan dalam melakukan sebuah rencana. Analisis internal mengandung informasi mengenai ketersediaan sumber daya alam dan manusia, serta dana yang dimiliki.
  • Analisis internal membantu marketer merencanakan strategi dan taktik yang akan digunakan. Informasi mengenai sumber daya, dana, serta data perencanaan sebelumnya dapat membantu marketer menentukan cara yang paling efektif untuk meraih objektif yang telah ditentukan.

Sumber 3 / Sumber 4

5. Menurut Anda, bagaimana korelasi antara konsep STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) dengan teori AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) ?

AIDA merupakan model dasar yang menjabarkan tahapan-tahapan yang dilalui pembeli (customer) sebelum melakukan pembelian (purchase). Berawal dari perhatian, ketertarikan, berhasrat / berkeinginan, sampai aksi untuk membeli. Proses AIDA ini akan berjalan pada target apabila marketer dapat merancang Marketing Tools serta taktik pelaksanaannya yang sesuai dengan perilaku target mereka. Oleh karena itu, STP sangat dibutuhkan oleh marketer untuk mengetahui siapa yang menjadi target, bagaimana perilaku target, dan konsep apa yang ingin ditanamkan dalam pikiran target. Sehingga marketer dapat merancang Marketing Tools yang sesuai dengan kebiasaan perilaku target dan sesuai dengan positioning produk yang telah ditentukan. Dengan demikian, Marketing Tools dan taktiknya menjadi lebih tepat sasaran sehingga jauh lebih memungkinkan untuk mendapat ROI yang tinggi.

Dove Self Esteem Project

One of my favorite social campaign is Dove’s Self Esteem Project. The campaign is spread-out to many countries and has started since 2004. This campaign helped me value myself better. I have also started to be less critical about myself and think more positively about myself and people around me.  I used to be really insecure about my appearance until I saw one video from this campaign. The video is called “Real Beauty Sketches“, it proves that other people do not perceive you as bad as you do. After watching the video, it came into my mind that I am my biggest hater, which is depressing… However since then, I’ve learnt to appreciate and enhance what I have.

The campaign is about providing girls and women throughout the world confidence and support to unfold their full potential. Women are being held back by society’s beauty standards that media fed them. It has become normal for women to be judgemental and critical towards their own physical appearance, making it one of the biggest factors that brings down their confidence and boost their anxiety. In Indonesia, Dove has held workshops, mentoring in schools, and provide online resources for parents. They also work alongside with small communities to global communities.

Dove believes that women are beautiful the way they are, and beauty should not be a competition or a downer, it should be a source of power that all women already have within them. This is why Dove never use models that conform to society’s beauty standard. They use women of all age, all skin colors, and all types of beauty they already possess.


Analysis on The Body Shop Indonesia’s Website

For this assignment I choose to analyze The Body Shop Indonesia’s website

When you first go to , you will be greeted by a subscription banner on the center of the page. The objective of this banner is to stimulate awareness and interest by providing the visitors easy access to subscribe to The Body Shop Indonesia. Visitors who are interested in getting more information from The Body Shop Indonesia more likely will subscribe. By doing this, they can get more database on their potential customers. However, the visitor are able to refuse to make subscription by clicking the X button on the top right on the banner. The downside of putting a big banner on the center of the page is that visitors might think it’s annoying. This can cause the visitors to quickly close their website.


After clicking the X button, the homepage of the website will appear. The first thing they publish is about their new skincare products along with special offer on the new skincare line. The objective of doing so is to spread awareness about their new products. Since the website homepage is the first thing the visitors notice, putting their new skincare products on their homepage will be more efficient to spread awareness. Meanwhile, putting the special offered price would encourage interest of the visitor and desire to buy the product.


On the bottom of the page they also provide a chat room for the visitors to contact / chat with the customer service. They provide easy and simple access for the visitors to contact the customer service when they have troubles doing a purchase or have some questions about the products or the special offers.Meanwhile, the menus are located at the top right of the page. Visitors are most likely to notice the top right area of the website. By putting the important menus on that area, The Body Shop Indonesia would want the visitor to have easy access to the information the laid out on their website.



When the visitor scroll down from the page, they can see recommended products with the prices attached on the bottom of the product image. This can encourage action / purchase. Since the information of the product and the price is already in front of the visitors’ eyes. It will be more likely that the visitor will consider to purchase.

The overall of their User Interface is dominated by the color white, black, and green. The colors of their website goes along with their brand image of natural and eco friendly products. They also provide easy access for the visitors to contact them, to subscribe and to purchase by publishing some new products and recommended products that are available to purchase online. However, the user experience or the placement of the chat room and the virtual account make it seems a little bit cluttered. For some visitors, they can consider this to be annoying, making them leave the website right away.







Display Advertising and Customer Acquisition


Display advertising is a part of ATL (above the line) advertising and internet marketing. To be more specific, it is a part of online advertising. Display advertising has different means of communicating (video, audio, text, images, etc). It has developed since the existence of internet, the first display advertising was a simple banner ads. However, we have different types of display advertising and platforms for it. Banner ads, pop ups, video ads, content sponsorships, paid searches (SEO), and social media ads are some types of display advertising that are used by marketers today.

Examples :


Pop ups



Social Media and Video Advertising



Social Media Advertising



Banner Ads



Customer acquisition means to get/acquire new customers to buy/consume the product/service that are offered. There are some methods to do this. The methods may vary depending on the target market and the product/service itself. Customer acquisition is really important for new businesses and new launched products. It is the first step to build and develop the market. This explains why new products often have discounts or interesting promotion, the  marketers want to obtain new customers and simulate the target to try the product.

Examples :

  • Grab (transportation app) gives free charge for new users’ first ride
  • Shoppee (online shop app) gives 30% promo code for first users
  • Forever 21 (clothing store) held a big sale when they first open in West Jakarta

Viral Marketing Video

So, the third meeting of marketing online class was about internet marketing. I learned that internet is really an amazing platform. Internet makes it easier and faster for us to get information. It is fair for me to say that the impact of internet on marketing activities is really huge. Internet provides interactivity, so that marketers are able to communicate to their target and get feedbacks from their targets.

As an example of successful internet marketing video, I am using Devil Baby Attack prank video. This video is actually a trailer/teaser for a movie called Devil’s Due. The video had gone viral, it has more than 50 million views on Youtube and is shared by so many internet users in different platform. The video is also listed by TIME Magazine as the 8th most popular video on Youtube in 2014. After making some analysis, I came to a conclusion why this video had gone viral :

  1. The marketers used a unique way to inform the target about the movie they are selling. Aside from making cut scenes from the movie as the teaser / promotional video like the usual movie trailers, they make prank videos to make viewers more curious about the movie. They also let the viewers to the thrill of the movie.
  2. The marketers of the film are using one of the most popular video genre on Youtube to help informing the target about the movie. Many people are interested in entertainment and comedy. Prank videos provide entertainment to the viewers and it is always fun to see people get scared and surprised, so the video attracts not only horror movie fans but also people who enjoy prank videos.
  3. The marketers let the victims of the prank experience the thrill of the movie and sharing the thrill on the internet for everyone to experience as well.

These are some factors and reasons the video got so many attention. Just to put it out there, all of these reasons are based on my analysis and opinion. It would be nice if I could hear your opinions on this. So, you are more than welcomed to share your opinion and leave a comment!

Thank you for reading!!



This was the material for my second meeting in Online Marketing class. The topic was Business Model. Before we get to the types of business model we have to know what is the meaning of business model itself. So, to put it briefly, business model is a method a company use to run their business, to keep the business sustainable. and to reach their ultimate goals.

There are 9 types of business models according to Professor Michael Rappa :

  1. Brokerage Model : brings sellers and buyers together
  2. Advertising Model : delivers message through content
  3. Infomediary Model : Selling data or information
  4. Merchant Model : provides services or goods
  5. Manufacturer (Direct) Model : reaches customers directly
  6. Affiliate Model : offering incentives
  7. Community Model : connects people
  8. Subscription Model : delivering service with set fee
  9. Utility Model : delivers content (pay as you go)

There are also different types of business :

  1. B2C : Business to Consumer
  2. B2B : Business to Business
  3. B2B2C : Business to Business to Consumer

In this material I also learnt to observe some companies’ business model. There is this technique called the business model canvas. This canvas allows us to map out a business by using 9 elements, which are :

  1. Customer segments : the target market
  2. Value proposition : what products or service are offered by the company
  3. Channel : The platform/place where the company can reach its customer
  4. Customer relationship : how the company keep in touch with their customers
  5. Revenue Streams : the source of income of the company
  6. Key Resources : the resources needed to keep the production running
  7. Key Activities : what needs to be done to keep the company sustainable
  8. Key Partnership : other parties that support the company
  9. Cost Structure : what needs to be paid to keep the company running


After these 9 elements were explained, we were given a discussion topic in groups. My group got FMCG business. We had to map out the business model of one company from FMCG business. We chose PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. for our discussion. We came to conclusion for the discussion and here is our version of their business model :

  1. Customer Segments : Retail Market, housewives, Convenient Stores
  2. Value Proposition : instant food, processed food, dairy product, edible oil, flour.
  3. Channel : Large Scale Distribution
  4. Customer Relationship : Call Center, Ads
  5. Revenue Streams : Sales
  6. Key Resources : Agri Business, Packaging
  7. Key Activites : Sales, Production, Promotion
  8. Key Partners : Bogasari, China Minzhong food
  9. Cost Structure : Marketing, Production, Distribution, Packaging

Those were all we did for the second meeting of Online Marketing class. I’m really looking forward for our third meeting to learn more. Till then, See you!!

First Post!

Hi all! This is my first time making a blog. I don’t really like to write tbh. I just made this blog for academic reasons. However, I think I might enjoy writing more by doing this.

Btw, my name is Monvan, I’m currently attending classes for my bachelor degree at London School of Public Relations Jakarta. My major is Marketing Communication. So, whatever I post here are all about marketing. If you are interested in this topic, stay tuned on my blog.